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Feb 25

What is AC and DC Welding?

Table of Contents

    For those who have no experience or want to be a welder, it may be confusing to hear different types of welding. This usually includes discussions between AC and DC arc welding. Both are effective welding types, but they have their own differences and appropriate applications. In this article, we will explore the differences between AC and DC welding, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their various use cases.


    The basic structure of DC welding machine is composed of a transformer, a rectifier and a capacitor. The AC voltage input from the power supply is first transformed and reduced through the transformer, and then converted from AC to DC through the rectifier. Finally, the DC current is smoothed through the capacitor to maintain a stable arc during the welding process.


    Compared with AC welding, DC welding often has smoother welding output, less spatter and more stable arc. It also penetrates more into the weld metal, which in most cases provides a stronger combination than AC welding. Unfortunately, DC welding is not suitable for welding aluminum because it cannot generate the correct heat. In addition, when purchasing welding machines, DC equipment is more expensive because it requires an internal transformer to switch the current.


    AC welding machine is only composed of a transformer and a capacitor, so the price will be low. Some beginners will tend to choose it to start learning welding or complete smaller work.


